lunes, 14 de mayo de 2007

Láttu það gossa

We've just arrived from Zaragoza (or Láttu það gossa) after three days of experiencing all sorts of gastronomic innovations. But first I had to show him our Basílica del Pilar, and there he is with my father.
We went to a typical Asturian restaurant since my father comes from that region, and Magnús dared try the challenging task of 'escanciar sidra' - pouring sidra (see below; also see Magnús eating 'fabada asturiana').

We had time to rest even though this was the reward after some jogging to the park (lazy me riding the bike, though). I showed him the school I used to go as a child, which he was ready for. However, I don't think he was much ready for the temperature that came with the tour...

Il faut aimer le déjeuner...
Already in Bcn, walking back home from the station, Magnús rests in the park, next to the train station, next to the Post Office.

4 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Ertu farin að nota axlabönd?
Mamma og pabbi

Laía og Magnús dijo...

Sí. ¿Está bien, no?

Anónimo dijo...

Why did the stool cross the road?

It couldn't because Magnús was sitting on it.

Laía og Magnús dijo...

Hola Tom

Why did the Tom cross the Atlantic?

I guess he felt like swimming.